How to Extend the Life of Your Engine Main Bearing: 3 Tips for Proper Maintenance

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How to Extend the Life of Your Engine Main Bearing: 3 Tips for Proper Maintenance

The engine main bearing is an essential component that helps to reduce friction and wear between the crankshaft and the engine block. Without proper maintenance, the main bearing can wear out, which can lead to engine failure. In this blog post, we will discuss three tips on how to extend the life of your engine main bearing.

Regular Oil Changes

One of the most important things you can do to extend the life of your engine main bearing is to change your oil regularly. Over time, the oil in your engine can break down and become contaminated with dirt and other debris. This can cause increased friction and wear on your main bearing. By changing your oil regularly, you can help to keep your engine running smoothly and reduce wear on your main bearing.

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Use High-Quality Oil

In addition to changing your oil regularly, it’s essential to use high-quality oil in your engine. High-quality oil contains additives that help to reduce friction and wear on your engine’s components, including the main bearing. When choosing oil for your engine, be sure to check the manufacturer’s recommendations to ensure that you are using the correct viscosity and type of oil.

Avoid Overloading Your Engine

Finally, it’s crucial to avoid overloading your engine. Overloading your engine can put extra strain on your main bearing, which can cause increased wear and tear. If you regularly tow heavy loads or drive in extreme conditions, it’s essential to take extra care of your engine by changing your oil more frequently and avoiding overloading your engine.


In conclusion, the engine main bearing is a vital component that helps to keep your engine running smoothly. By following these tips on how to extend the life of your engine main bearing, you can help to ensure that your engine stays in good condition and runs efficiently for years to come. Remember to change your oil regularly, use high-quality oil, and avoid overloading your engine to keep your main bearing in top condition.

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